Semiotic-Semantic Analysis of Zainab Kobra's Sermon in Kufa Based on Tension Schema

Document Type : پژوهشی


Qom University of Religions and Denominations


According to semiotic-semantic data, there is a sort of oscillatory relationship governing linguistic elements. This oscillatory relationship is not a function of semantically fixed poles. Rather, it leads to the production of meaning and the stream of value. This oscillatory process can be well analyzed in the tension scheme of discourse. A linguistic phenomenon, which also serves as a social, cultural, political discourse with an oscillatory process of meaning production is the sermon of Zainab Kobra delivered to the people of Kufa. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, this article seeks to answer these questions, “Which of these tension patterns is followed by Zainab’s discourse in particular?” and “How does tension schema work in this discourse and how does it shape meaning and create value?” The findings of the study exhibit that the tension schema theory can efficiently analyze this linguistic phenomenon and that the "ascending schema aligned in both affective and cognitive dimensions" is adaptable to the first part of the sermon while the second part is based on the ascending schema of the affective dimension, which is characterized with high intensity affective pressure, giving rise to a peak of affective momentum. The result of this oscillatory process is the production of fluid and negative-value meaning. Hence, it results in the censure, reproach, and humiliation of the treacherous and deceitful people, and in a reciprocal relationship, highlights the positive value of justice and anti-oppression movement at all times and places. That is, whenever and wherever the Proof of God is abandoned due to deception and betrayal, the result would be the domination of the tyrant and a disastrous event like Karbala.


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