Aesthetics of Semantic Interrelation in Sūrat Āl-i Imrān

Document Type : پژوهشی


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The Holy Qur’an is God’s everlasting miracle and the most beautiful of speeches. Selection and arrangement of the words, coordination of meanings, and consistency of order are among the components of these beauties, which are the main pillars of miracle as well. The study of this aesthetic aspect of the Qur’an is undertaken by the science of interrelation (tanāsub), which is one of the Qur’anic sciences. This science studies the artistic and rhetoric association of the arrangement of the words and order of the verses in the Qur’an and proves the literal and semantic interrelation in it. In this research, the author seeks to answer the question as to on what lingual and rhetoric mechanism has the semantic interrelation and thematic unity of the verses of Sūrat Āl-i Imrān formed. In this respect, the verses of
Sūrat Āl-i Imrān have been examined and researched from the perspective of the science of interrelation and it has been clarified by providing some evidences that although these verses have been revealed with different temporal distances and on various occasions, they have been juxtaposed and interrelated according to rhetoric and lingual mechanism and aesthetic manifestations of speech such as epitomes and details, contradiction and contrast, identification, etc.


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