Examination of the Effect of Honey on the Human Characteristics and Behavior from the Viewpoint of the Qur’ān

Document Type : پژوهشی




Islamic and scientific texts have highly emphasized the role of feeding as among a series of elements effecting the psycho-physical health. This article first reviews a part of the effects of feeding on human characteristics and behavior; then, it examines the nutritious effects of honey on the human states and behavior from the viewpoint of the Qur’ān and ḥadīth and compares it with the scientific findings. The conclusion achieved by the research is that, from the viewpoint of science and religion, this highly nutritious food has not
only a significant role in the physical health but also a positive impact on human disposition, personality characteristics, and behavior and creates peace of mind, joy, as well as a powerful memory. Islamic traditions have also considered honey to be replete with nutritious properties, which, of course the scientific texts have been silent about.
