Qur'anic analysis of the educational implication of utterance "Allahoam Aamelna bifazlik va la ta'a'amelna biadlik" (Theme analysis of the subject "fazl" in the Qur'an)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. boromand1362@yahoo.com

2 Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Religious literature is an open window to the world of meanings and educational teachings, which the passage of time has made it difficult for today's human beings to reach its depths. For this reason, religious-educational propositions need to be studied deeply. In this regard, this research has tried to analyze the proposition "Allahham Aamelna bifazlek wa la tuamelna biadlek" using the "theme analysis" method, focusing on the religious theme of "fazl" and based on the verses of the Qur'an. The result of applying the theme analysis method was extracting themes from Quranic identifiers, which organized the "network of themes" of “Fazl” under the three headings of "basic themes", "organizing" and "Global". According to this analysis, "Fazl of God" is a dynamic action without balance with the action of the audience, which is realized based on God's great favor to man. Also, a lot of affection, forgiveness, support, hope, reassurance, purity and honesty are the main pillars of encountering grace (fazl). In this way, it is possible to recognize the virtuous encounter in terms of psychological and educational aspects, in a range close to humanistic approaches.


Main Subjects


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 09 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 15 October 2023
  • Revise Date: 19 May 2024
  • Accept Date: 09 June 2024