A Critical Study of Gabriel Sawma's Views on Aramaic Language of the Words "Falan ukallima" and "Farīyyan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of University of Quranic Sciences and Education,, shiraz

2 Level three Graduate, Jameat-al'Zahra, Qom


Gabriel Sawma is one of the orientalists who has written a book entitled "The Quran: Misinterpreted, Mistranslated and Misread, The Aramaic Language of The Quran." In this book, he claimed that the language of the Qur'an is Aramaic and Muslims' interpretations of the Quran in Arabic are wrong. Also, he has studied 52 chapters of the Quran and translated some of its words and verses into Aramaic. "Falan ukallima" and "Farīyyan" are two of these words placed in verses 26 and 27 of Surah "Maryam", respectively. So, this paper examined Sawma's view about these words with the method of comparative-historical linguistics and using library sources. The results show that this author's claim is contrary to the findings of linguistics, the Bible text, and the context Of the Quran.


Main Subjects

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