Investigation of the Denotation of the Woman Creation from the Man's Rib in Torah and Its Relation with the First Verse of Surah al-Nisa

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University


The creation of woman in the second chapter of Genesis and the first verse of Surah al-Nisa has been related to "the bone of the man" and "the single soul", respectively. At first glance, the meaning of these two texts seems very irrelevant. So, first of all, in this study, regarding verses 21 to 23 of the second chapter of Genesis and the expression of "the single soul" in the first verse of surah al-Nisa, the different views were analyzed. Then other usages of the phrase "being out of the same bone and flesh" in the Old Testament as well as the word "soul" in the Quran were examined and it was shown that concerning the creation of the woman, the Torah and the Quran are compatible and express a similar concept. The findings indicate that the denotations of the creation of the woman from the man's rib in the Torah as well as from "the single soul" in the Quran refer to a common essence in the creation and, consequently, to the sincere and loving relationships and interdependence between spouses. Also, considering the similar usages in the Old Testament and the Holy Quran show that this relationship is accompanied by a kind of covenant and mutual loyalty too.


Main Subjects

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