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Less than 10 days

The journal of Quran and Hadith Studies is dedicated to the following fields: Qurʾanic Sciences, Hadith, and interdisciplinary related fields. We publish cutting-edge research in the aforementioned fields of study. The editorial board invariably welcomes research articles from professors, researches, and experts of the field.The journal of Quran and Hadith Studies is primarily dedicated to publishing research articles. Submitted manuscripts are thus reviewed and accepted according to academic research criteria.

Current Issue: Volume 56, Issue 2 - Serial Number 113, January 2025 (Autumn & Winter 2024-2025) 

Analyzing the Use of Quranic Verses and Hadiths in Ḥarīrī's Maqāmāt

Pages 167-189


Sadegh Hashemi Amjad; Mehdi Khorrami Sarhouzaki; Hassan Majidi; Sayyed Mahdi Nouri Keyzeghani

Publication Information


Editor-in-Chief Director-in-Charge Executive Director
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Indexing and Abstracting

Keywords Cloud

interpretationhadithQurancontextḥadīthEtymologydiscoursemethodnarrationsabrogationsymbolShaykh ṢadūqnarrativesnarrationHoly QuransemanticsNahj al-BalāghaPeacefaiththe QuranPrinciplesWomanSpeech actorientalistshistorical interpretationDiscourse analysisscientific interpretationThe Torahtranslation of the Quranknowledge of the unseenNarratorsEthicsthe Holy Qur‘ānWeakeningdepressionUnderstandingHermeneuticswordtraditionspoliticsValidation of hadithmoral conceptsintellectTraditionIsnad-text analysisOld TestamentStories of the QuranSearlethe Holy Qur’āncritique of ḥadīthHistory of ideaSource identificationthe multiplicity/plurality of meaningMāʾrelation of backbiting and adulterysource correctionestablished practiceTawakkulAnalysis of social practicesimilitudeinterpretational traditionsqualitative functionsGrowth and decaynarration textsrecitationAyatollah Khu’īinterpretation MujahidQajar erasuddu al-abwābInauspiciousness of womenEvaluation of hadiths by the QuranHistorical comprative linguisticsMonotheismHeavenspirithopelessnessBi ʾisnādin munqatiʿin yatafarradu bih