Analyzing the personality dimensions of Prophet Abraham (AS) and Nimrod Based on Erich Fromm's Theory of Growth and Decay

Document Type : Research Article


MA. Graduate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The Perspective of some modern psychological theories regarding Islam and stories of the Holy Quran can serve as a key tool for a deeper understanding of divine verses for contemporary humanity. Erich Fromm, a German psychologist, has a positive view about religion. In his view, religion, as a formulated intellectual and practical ideology, is a necessary tool for the survival of any culture in the past and future. He believes that the personality is always affected by social, cultural, and historical motives that have cast a shadow over the destiny of humanity throughout time. So, humans are constantly in a struggle between two forces of good and evil, which he calls "growth and decay". These forces play a crucial role in shaping human personality and determining the direction of a person toward elevation or degradation. Using a descriptive-analytical method and based on Erich From's view, this study aims to examine the Quranic verses related to Prophet Abraham (AS) and Nimrod, particularly those mentioned in Surahs al-Baqarah and al-Anbīyā. It also analyses the behavioral manners and internal and external actions of Prophet Abraham (AS) and Nimrod in the Quran which reflect the Prophet's elevated direction in contrast with Nimrod's path of decay and degradation. According to the results, the growth factors in Abraham's personality are particularly reflected in his expression of enthusiasm for life in the path of obedience and devotion to the Creator, independence from the typical mother as self-sacrifice and inner jihad, love for the Creator, and reflective actions. In contrast, decay factors in Nimrod's personality manifest in the forms of necrophilia, dependence on the typical mother as worldly power, extreme narcissism, and vengeful violence.


Main Subjects

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Volume 56, Issue 2 - Serial Number 113
Autumn & Winter 2024-2025
January 2025
Pages 191-213
  • Receive Date: 22 September 2024
  • Revise Date: 07 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2024