Analysis of Politeness of Expression strategies in Narrations about women

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Islamic Azad University, Kashmar Branch

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Language, as the primary means of communication and conveying messages from one person to another, should be employed in diverse communication situations in a way that ensures compliance with a certain level of politeness.
In verbal communications, the interlocutor can recruit either direct or indirect expressive strategies, but his speech is more likely to be considered polite if indirect strategies are adopted. Language, as the building block of the structure underlying hadiths concerning women, requires the selection of words, syntax, and tone that are proportionate to the feminine moods and bereft of any impoliteness.
This calls for the adoption of acceptable indirect strategies in the linguistic structure of hadith. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present paper seeks to explore the degree of politeness in traditions about women in the Four Books. For this purpose, all the discourses raised by these hadiths were examined. The results reveal that of 960 discourses dedicated to women in the Four Books, the indirect strategy has the highest (82%) and the direct strategy has the lowest (18%) frequency. This indicates compliance with the principle of politeness in these hadiths


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