Processology of Interdisciplinary Studies in Quranic Studies; Case study: The Word "Shakeleh" in Surah Asra (Verse 84)

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Shahid Beheshti University

2 Sadiq University


Today, conceptual complexities surrounding some Quranic concepts have opened new avenues of research for the researchers. It is especially evident in the inclination of researchers for models of interdisciplinary studies in the last decade. This paper is of crucial importance in terms of method and subject matter. From the perspective of subject, it explores the concept of "Shakeleh", a term which despite its single function in the Holy Quran, has been assigned with diverse meanings by exegetes throughout the interpretation tradition. This conceptual complexity highlights the importance of addressing this problem from the perspective of interdisciplinary studies.
From a methodological viewpoint, adopting a combined approach to interdisciplinary studies, offers deeper insights into the meaning of the "Shakeleh" in the Holy Quran from a process-oriented approach. There are two holistic and integrate approaches to interdisciplinary studies. The advocates of the latter posit that integration can be achieved through a process-oriented perspective. In this connection, two fundamental steps can be envisaged: portraying insights derived from each discipline and amalgamating such insights. Most of the interdisciplinary theorists have classified all of their steps under these two fundamental stages. Despite the relative consensus on the principle of a process-oriented approach among these theorists, there is considerable disparity with regard to the number of steps. According to Szostak’s classification, the following five steps are recommended for the interdisciplinary process: A) identification of the problem or research question; B) identification of disciplines, methods, theories and phenomena associated with the question, issue or subject matter; C) contextualizing the problem in relevant disciplines and offering insights related to the problem; D) finding a common ground, and E) obtaining a comprehensive perception and testing it. In this article, attempts have been made to employ the above steps in a bid to explain the complexity of the term "Shakeleh".


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