Examining the Rhetoric of the Supplication of two Prophets (Zechariah and Noah) in the Qur’an

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Ph.D. Graduate in Arabic Language and Literature

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The present research topic is examining the rhetoric aspects of some supplication of Prophets Zechariah and Noah, in which the word rabb (Lord) and its derivatives are specifically employed in the beginning or the middle of it. The overall objective of the research is to indicate the role of supplication style in cognition of the Qur’an’s rhetoric and the domain of its impact on the addressees and drawing up a new plan in analyzing the rhetoric aspects of literary Holy Scriptures. The research method used here is descriptive-analytical and its most important achievements include: A. the supplications containing the word Lord and its derivatives in the Qur’an are often in the form of demand and request. B. The supplication of the two Prophets in particular are characterized by outstanding features such as accurate choice of vocabulary, change of expression style, or withdrawal from the customary, of which the most important components are priority or posteriority, omission brevity, verbosity without disrupting the meaning, change in address (iltifāt), and beautiful imageries and mostly materialized through expressive arrangements such as metaphors, allegories, and allusions. C. the Noah’s language and tone, according to the demands of the circumstance, is more decisive, more forthright, more threatening,
and has a more admonishing function. But Zechariah’s language is one of supplication, tenderness, and mercy. It is hoped that this brief article can be considered as a green leaf on the branches of the fruitful tree of modern Qur’anic researches.


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