The Myth of the Ghouls’ Rebellion Prior to the Deluge in Jewish Texts and Comparing it to the Islamic Texts

Document Type : پژوهشی


Payame Noor University


The present article is intended to provide a comparative study on the incidents prior to the Noah’s Deluge and the Jewish texts on the one hand and the Holy Qur’an and Islamic religious text on the other. In the beginning of the Noah’s story in the Torah, mention is made of the sons of God, their infatuation with the girls of humankind and the birth of robust men out of the marriage of these two groups. What is the view of the Qur’an, traditions, and Islamic interpretations
about this? What difference is there between the Qur’an’s moral message and that of the Torah in this respect? The present article addresses this subject and concludes that the main characters in the Qur’an and Islamic texts are human beings, their main sin has been idolatry, and Noah used to call them to monotheism. But the main characters in the Torah and the Jewish Text had been celestial beings and their children, their main sin has not been idolatry, and Noah has not called them to monotheism. Therefore, the Qur’an has used this story to emphasize on the necessity of abiding by monotheism, but Torah does not contain such message.


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