Study of the Reason for Employing Archaic Words in the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur’an

Document Type : پژوهشی




One of the applied methods in the Qur’an for eloquence is abstaining from the literature and style of colloquial speech. Non-colloquiality of speech is one of the methods that sometimes the literati use to make their speech fascinating and call it defamiliarization; a phenomenon whose understanding has to be achievable for the listener. One of the methods of this literary approach is archaism. Archaism means applying words and phrases in colloquial and formal language that have become obsolete or using the vocabulary of a country in another country or reviving the words that are not available to the general public and give identity to the language. Archaism is one of the defamiliarization techniques in the Russia’s formalist school of
literary criticism for attracting the listener’s mind.
Our attempt in this research based on this approach is that with the descriptive-analytical method within the framework of the above-mentioned school we would search a number of archaic words in the thirtieth part of the Qur’an, find the benefits of the use and frequency of these words in other parts of the Qur’an, and study its outcomes.
The resultants of this research indicate that firstly, this mechanism is made use of in the Holy Qur’an; secondly, the archaic words used in this part of the Qur’an have been very insignificantly displayed in other parts of it; and thirdly, since most of the sūras of this part have been associated with the early years of the Messenger of God’s Mission (the ambience of denial of the Truth by the polytheists), we find out that God has used the art and method of distinguishing His words for making them attractive for guidance of mankind.


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