The Role of Ethical Models in Social Education from the perspective of the Holy Quran

Document Type : پژوهشی


Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Khorasgan Branch


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of ethical models in social education from the perspective of the Holy Quran by adopting a descriptive method along with content analysis and study of library resources. Educational systems, according to their goals, provide a model for moral education. The Holy Qur'an has underlined the importance of following models and examples of virtues, for such models are applicable to all stages of life, including educational programs, providing objective and practical content of education. The findings of the study suggest that major goals pursued by the Holy Quran in the introduction of these models are to present appropriate models, flourish interpersonal talents and coordinate social models. To achieve these goals, it has set forth requirements such as model recognition, accountability, imitation and aesthetic sense of man. These goals could be fulfilled through diverse manners such as closeness, and intimacy, presentation of positive and negative models, adherence to scientific principles, continuity, and diversity in models. In their childhood, these modeling is usually in form of imitation, but it is gradually evolved and replaced by inferencing and selection, and as models are vulnerable, role models will always be subject to various social damages.


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